The future is bright for independent artists on the internet. Social media networks have enabled you to do all your own advertising and networking for zero cost, if you put some time and effort into it. Each site comes with it's own unique way to utilize it and some have options to pay but you don't have to pay to get it set up. Instant interaction with the fans is now so easy and will be very key to the success of artists in the future. Now you can even use your entertainment time as marketing time.
This is our newest little flyer. Just larger than a business card the flip side has all our internet contacts. We dropped a bunch off while at the Bassgasm show at First Ave in MN. That's the old way of spreading the word now is the new way. You set up your profile on to have all your links (Twitter, FB, Youtube and your own website) then you hang out in different rooms playing music similar to yours all the while your links are there just like a little business card. You instantly find people that like music similar to yours and then you can mix your own songs in and then drop a link in the chat. Just like that you have increased your audience. You can get live realtime feedback from strangers about your music and make new friends too. Already I've seen big and small artists utilizing this method. You were going to listen to music today anyway so now you can work and play at the same time.
So set up those accounts and link it all together and interact. You don't have to wait for the fans to find you if you go hunt them down
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